Discover the power of Rongoā Māori, a natural health solution rooted in centuries of wisdom. Our exclusive consultation service provides a truly special experience, offering tailored advice to help bring balance and harmony to your wellbeing. Gain insight into timeless practices and unlock the potential of your body's healing capabilities.
💚 SOLUTIONS FOR YOU: Our Rongoā Māori Consultation is about finding the best solution for your needs providing council through korero/talking, ancient teachings provide knowledge in supplying rongoā/native remedies. If you are unsure of what you may be looking for, this process will assist you in finding it.
💚 EMPOWERMENT: You are your own healer. I simply provide you with what you need, ultimately it is up to you. All things are possible. Whānau Mirimiri/Energy Massage, Mahi A Wairua/Reiki or Mahi Wheua/Bone Realignment may be required during these sessions.
💚 MAKING A CHANGE: If you are coming in for medical reasons, please bring all relevant information and a print out of all medications you are on.
💚 ASSISTANCE: If you are entitled to ACC speak to your case manager who will create a purchase order number for you to then come see us.
Phone: 021 2069 861