Pain Relief Balm

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Size: 60g

Pain Relief Balm is a natural herbal blend which helps to relieve joint and muscle pain while soothing tired muscles. It can be used before or after a workout or to release neck and shoulder pain, aches caused by work stress, tension from sitting at a desk for long periods of time or long distance driving. The easy-to-carry strong glass jar also makes it easy to pop into your work bag for those who may have a labour intense job which physically effects your body.

Pain Relief Balm is safe to use on open wounds and will also heal the skin while easing your pain which comes from the bark and leaf of the Rongoa Manono. Red Matipo is also used which is a strong reliever of pain and energetically looks after Wairua which translates to taking care of pain which is stored emotionally and/or for your environment. The final ingredient is Kanuka, one of my favorites and exceptional for inflammation.

Uses, Muscle Strain, Sprains, Cramps, Sciatica, Toothache, Headaches, chest to ease congestion and many so much more.

Contains: Red Matipo, Kanuka, Manono, beeswax and aroha.

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